2nd Week of Working Life
After 1 week of doing basically nothing. I'm in my 2nd week working (enjoying the time doing nothing but sometime don't really feel like enjoying coz kinda sien oso) in the new company. Here's my early morning routine in the office. On the msn look for someone to chat. Then reach 9.30am prepare to go for some briefing. Then go back to the training room again. Continue doing nothing and surf the net until 12pm. Yes... Lunch Break. Went to UOA for lunch with my colleague. Come back around 1pm.. Continue with what i had left off earlier on. Continue with the web surfing. THen around 3pm. There's some training but not very related to what i'm doing. I still attend the training to kill sometime. Then around 3.30pm the trainner said will need to go off for some break. So he said break for 5min. Then it turn out to be an hour break. He came back and continue with the training. By the time he finish the training it's about 5pm.
Woohoo.. another 30 min can go home. So reconfirm with Danny and Dv see whether they still want to yamcha. Danny said around 7pm. Walau eh! Look at the time. It's show 5.40pm onli. I have to wait for another 1 hour. I guess no choice. SO went to KLCC to walk around. After awhile of walking around. I reach Kinokuniya. Went in and browse around the bookshelf. Since i'll be waiting for the guys i figure that i'll just find a book to read while waiting them. I went to look for some travel guide book. I found an interesting book. Grab it and somehow manage to complete about 90% of the book. Then look at the time it's about 7.10pm and still no sign of the guys. Call up Danny and he said will be late abit. He said he can onli be free around 8pm. OH NO!!! Left with not much choice so continue to look for other book to read.
After awhile there decided to go out and walk around. Then around 8pm ++ Danny called. Meet up with him. Then proceed to Center court as he recommend to go there yamcha. While on the way to the Center court. We passby a Celcom road show. Stop by there. Watch some people playing some games. We hang around there for awhile. Still no sign of DV. Danny then suggest to go eat KFC for dinner. No prob with me. So we proceed to KFC. We took our dinner while waiting for DV to finish his work. What a hardworking guy. He suppose to finish work at 6pm but he stay until 8 something.
At last DV reach. Danny and I enjoy our meal while DV just ordered some drink and chated for awhile. Then went to Cold Storage to get some bottle Coke can. As told by DV there's some new bottle Coke can available. I bought 2 different design of Japanese bottle Coke can. While Dv just bought one. After tat we all went back.
Below shown are some of my Bottle Coke Can collection. The middle coke and the right coke were bought from Cold Storage.

kathy: thanx for visiting my blog.. no worries. i'm used to waiting for them edi :S
kathy: haha.. sorry lar for being lazy ;p. fyi, i onli update my blog following my mood. if i have the mood i'll update my blog else it will just stay idle until dunno when ;p. thank for taking interest in wat i'm doing with my life and i'll try to update ler ;p. btw wat i did doesn't really reflect on what other malaysian really do. oh yah.. can i have a small request? can u pls reply back in english coz i don't really know how to read chinese char. thanx :D
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