Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy National Day :D

Wanna wish everyone in Malaysia a very very Happy National Day. For those who don't know, our country is celebrating it 48th Birthday :D. Yesterday went to Princess's palace to see firework together with Afoi and Bento. As our country grow older seems like alot things had change. The things that been changing alot are the price. Everything had been increasing like the stock market. The things that increase the most is the petrol price. :(. Hopefully it wouldn't increase anymore else will die soon :/ coz can't afford to fill in petrol. No petrol mean no car to drive mean no going out mean staying at home to rot :/. The one thing that definately never change is our salary. Always stay stagnant.. so sad :~(

Today didn't do anything much woke up around 12 something. Princess called up to inform the time to go eat pan mee which is around 1pm. Going to meet at HP Tower before going to the pan mee store which located near Sogo. Reach HP Tower kinda early this time around :D. Then later on Bento's Gf arrived. She is fetching Bento. This time someone came late. After waiting for awhile at last saw Princess's car. Afoi followed her car.

Once Princess arrived. I parked my car so noneed to use so many car to go to the pan mee stall. I follow Princess car. Before we depart we call Felice to come to ask for guidance on how to go to the place. She came down and drew a map for us. After that we proceed to go to the place. Everything was going fine until we reach KL and miss 1 junction to turn to the pan mee stall. Without any choice we need to go straigh because the road was a one way street so we need to find back the way to the place. After turning and turning and also with the help of Felice again. We were able to reach the place :D. Sat down and order the mee and drink. We ordered about 9 bowls of mee. The guys eat 2 bowls while the girl eat 1 1/2 bowls :D. The pan mee taste nice and spicy especially after adding a scope of hot dried chilies.

Without any plan for tonite and Princess need to become a good daughter to go home and cook so we just head back home after the lunch session. So i'm back at home now finding something to do..

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Birthday Holiday from Fei's Perspective ;)

Last Saturday went up to Genting with the gang. Purposely just to celebrate our tai kor, Afoi and tai kar jie, Felice big big day. This time the gang consist of Afoi, Felice, Me, Princess, Bento, Bento's Gf, Dv, Dv's Gf, Ly, Ly's Gf and Ed. Genting was the place choosen after few round of democratic voting. So decided to meet up at somewhere near Gombak toll both at 1pm SHARP!!. 3 cars were used for this outing and the gang were divided into 3 groups. Felice and Ed follow my car. While Ly became the second car drive. He incharge of fetching his gf, Bento and Bento's gf. DV also got a chance to become driver. He became the 3rd car driver. He incharge of fetching her gf, Afoi and Princess.

After fetching Ed and Felice from their place straight head towards the Gombak toll. Meet up at BP station near the toll. Ly group had edi arrive and still no sign of DV group. Dv called up and inform that they will be arriving late and ask us not to wait for them and to go up 1st. So without futhur delay. We started our engine and head toward Genting. My car, a humble 1.3 Iswara.. Seems like a green turtle climbing up the slope with the windows wind down. LOL, but luckily the car didn't failed on me and manage to reach hunted RIA apartment safely :D. The weather was kinda nice. Not very hot. Very foggy and cold. Nice feel. Together with Ly we went and park our car. At this time still no sign of DV's group. Felice went and check in at the reception counter. After check-in we brought up all our luggage into the apartment. We stayed at 19 floor. Great :D.

After taking the lif up to 19 floor. There's some confusion on where the location of our apartment. But luckily able to successfully locate the apartment. Felice tried to unlock the apartment door. Seems like the door is a maze by it self. It will need to turn few time before u can actually unlock it. Then after successfully unlock the door. There's another problem.. seems like the key can't be take out. After few fail attempt to take out the key by Felice and Ly. I tried to take out the key and i were successfully at it :D. Seems like the key can't be taken out at a vertical position. It only can be taken out at a horizontal position.

After everyone make their self comfy. Time to go for lunch. Since Dv group still haven't reach. We decided to go to 1st World to take our lunch while waiting for them to arrive and also to get a birthday cake. All of us walked up to 1st World and went to Burger King. Seems like the food is kinda expensive compare with Kl and abit smaller in size. Anyhow we still need to eat. After a while at last DV group arrive. Requested them to come up to 1st World as we had the apartment key and they doesn't ;p. Once meet up went on for some windows shopping. The girls (Felice, Princess and Bento's Gf) seems like really enjoying themself in Genting 1st World. They went on a shopping spree. While the girls busy shopping. The rest went to walk around and sat down at a toy exibition. The sales person intro a new card game and invited Afoi, Ly, Ly's Gf to play the card game. After ahwile DV group decided to go for a lunch session coz they still haven't taken their lunch. While they went for lunch. Some of us enjoy the performance on the stage. Bento suggested to go for a gondola ride. Went to search high and low for the place to purchase the ticket. But luckily able to find the counter to purchase the tix. Btw the time we able to find the counter everyone regroup back and join in the fun.

While on the floating gondola. We took few picture. Will need to refer to the licklick gang blog for more photo. After tat went to visit the Ripley's Belief It or Not aka Ripley's Percaya Atau Tidak?. It's very very nice place to hang out especially if u never go before. A lot of weird and interesting thing to see. From record breaking to those unbelievable thing like touching an Africa wooden status will make u to have baby. After spending a while in there. Proceed to go back. Before going back went to search and get the birthday cake. Here's the interesting part. Princess decided to let the birthday girl know tat we going to get a cake for her and also let her to choose the cake while trying to keep it a secret from the birthday boy. Hmmm... Did u feel is there anything wrong??..Is there a logic to it? LOL.. Went to Baskin Robbin to get the cake. There's few choices to choose from. At the end a nice white ice-cream cake with brownish chocolate stripe/coating plus Oreo biscuits as topping . Yummy :D. Atfer getting the cake proceed to go back to apartment.

The cake was quickly put inside the freezer to prevent it from melting. Phew! Luckily the freezer was able to fit the cake. Everyone start to settle down. Watch some tv show on the tv. Then try out a game of twister. Nice game if u play with 4 ppl. Word of advise.. Bring tit tah jau (ubat urut) or yoko yoko ;p. After a while time for dinner. Went down to Gotong Royong Jaya for dinner at one of the restaurant. Order about few dishes for 11 ppl headcount. Princess ordered the most expensive dishes of fish, Suet Yee. (Sorry dunno wat's call in english). Then other dishes were vege, tauhu aka beancurd and can't really wat else edi :P. Then come the time to pay the bill by the big bosses, Afoi and Felice. The final price was kinda suprising for some. It's only cost about rm200+. Some might think it's cheap and some might think it's expensive compare with the location of the restaurant and restaurant in KL.

After dinner. Went up to Ria again. Before my group head up agian. We went to search for ice. Seems like no luck. Seems like there's no shop selling ice. Onli a lot of Fruit stalls. Anyway it wouldn't stop us from having fun and emjoy ourself later on :D. So proceed to drive up again. Yet again my car crawling up like turtle agian :p. Dv took some nice scenery photo while waiting for us. Pls check lick lick gang page for more picture. Inside the apartment everyone start to find something to do. Afoi showing off his card tricks. Some busy watching tv. After a while. Start to continue back with the Twister game. While some busy playing the game. Everyone take turn to take shower. When Princess wanted to take drinking water. Dv's gf was nearby and said something disturbing. She saw something moving.......... COuld it be a ...... Nah! No worries.. It's nothing just Bento passing by onli.

Then come the birthday cake cutting session. Before the clock struck 12am. The cake was brought out from the freezer. Did i mention that the freezer ice cube tray contain some baby crocoaches? ;p. Too bad didn't took any pic to show. Continue back to the cake cutting session. The cake still look nicely after inside the freezer for few hours. Phew luckily it didn't melt. Prepare the candle. As the clock struck 12. The candle were light up and the bday boy and girl. Stand infornt of the cake. Wait i should said sit infront of the cake ;) while we sang birthday song for them. While we were singing bday song. Bento somehow got creative in the birthday's lyric ;P. Afoi and Felice blew the candle and cut the cake. They seems to have some difficult in cutting the cake as it was frozen hard. Then Ly took charge to cut the cake with his muscle power. The cake was successfully cut into few pieces and divided out to everyone. Mainly all of them got the topping with Oreo biscuit. Too bad i dun have :/. But there's an option to add in ur own Oreo biscuit as earlier had bought a extra packet of Oreo biscut. Anyway i didn't open the biscuit. Still enjoyed eating the cake. Especially the chocolate coating was dam nice to eat.

After everyone finish the cake and clean up. The next session of fun begin. The drinking session :D. I brought up a half bottle of JD from the previous outing session to Castle and extra bottle of gin. Dv oso brought up a bottle of Absolute. Then Princess also brought up red wine. Then for this trip also bought a extra bottle of so called sweet red wine. Seems like misunderstood with the meaning of sweet. It's not really sweet like ribeena. It's just another red wine. Hmmmm i guess it's smoother in taste. After bottom ups the sweet red wine. We play again the hand game. Since there's no ice to mix with the drink. It make it abit difficult to drink. The worst come to worst. Mix with peal fresh orange!! Not a very recommended combination. We had to mix with peal fresh as someone forgotten to go and buy soft drink from KL. I wonder who's that person? While playing this game. Ly and Ed offer to go buy soft drink to lesser our sufferness from drinking the mixture.

While they went out to get the soft drink we still proceed with the game. After few round. Some started to get blur coz need to bottom up once in awhile if no one get the same hand style. During this we successfully finish the JD and Absolute. Too bad can't finish the gin. The Gin wasn't soo nice and have a very hight content of alcohol. After few round. Decided to bottom up and go to sleep as some of them is getting dam blur especially Princess. If u look closer at her u can start to see sausage hanging out from her face :P. Bento's Gf also seems to be in a blur blur case edi. Then u can see Dv sitting lifeless on the chair. Hehe ;p.. Basically everyone getting blur edi. Princess try to go in the room to sleep but somehow she couldn't able to fall a sleep becos of too drunk?. Princess came out and suggest to go out and have a midnite walk. So Afoi and I agreed and went out with our short and it's freezing cold outside. We went to the parking lot. Took some nice picture and some nice scenery pic by Afoi. Then went to have a walk walk along the pathway to go up to genting. Just only walk halfway. Afoi took some nice scenery pic. Then went to the Ria apartment open area/garden to have sit at the bench. Afoi again took some nice pic. Then after while there decided to go up and go to sleep.

Once reached up and open the door saw few dead bodies lying down on the floor.. Opps i mean few ppl sleeping at the hall ;p. Bento, Ed, Ly and his gf seems sleeping soundly. Didn't disturb them. Princess, Afoi and I proceed to the room. Afoi and I took the hard bed. Princess took the soft tilam. But she didn't stay there long coz she went to sleep at the next room. Before she left she jia jia trying to be nice by offering Afoi and I the blanket tat she was covering. Her actuall intention was get off from the room asap coz someone was snoring kinda loud ;p. Fyi.. I didn't mention it was DV ar :P. Princess went to the next room to sleep with bento's gf and Felice. Despite the snoring Afoi and I were still able to sleep through the nite without any problem.

Then the next morning got waken up by Bento's gf. She first went to disturb afoi to wake him up to use the bathroom. Then follow by me. The reason for doing this is to minimize the waiting time to use the bathroom and able to check out on time. After everyone took their shower and packup. It's time to leave. All of us didn't depart back to KL straight away. Went up to 1st World to had our breakfast in a HK style retaurant. Forgotten the name edi. The food there was so so onli. I say so so because i don't really like wat i had order. I order dunno wat XO something rice. Not sure about others coz their food look much more nicer then nice. The drink there can say not bad. Ordered a ying yong HK style. Nice. For more info can refer to the lick lick gang page.

After everyone finish their food. For some of it's time to depart. Ly group consist of his gf, bento and bento's gf headed back to KL 1st. While the rest of us went into casino. Went in there for a while. Felice and Dv with her gf went to play table game. Afoi, Princess and I went to try out the slot machine. After awhile there time to go off and went to Coffee Bean. Had a glass of hot chocolate.. uhmm.. nice chocolate flavour especially it's serve hot on a cold weather :D. Basically everyone drank the same thing except for Dv, Dv's gf and Ed. Spend some time there. CHit chated.

Then come the time to say bye bye. Bid farewell to each and other and headed back to the car. Drove down. Fetch Felice back 1st then follow by Ed. Really had a wonderfull time in Genting especially with a bunch of frens which can get along together. Btw for those who didn't make it this time. Pls do come for the next function. cheers :D

Monday, August 22, 2005

Can my luck go any more worst?

When u think that the worst is over. Do think again coz it might get even worst. I can't stop feeling that for this whole month i'm clouded with bad luck. What ever i do seems not right or the worst come to worst the bad luck come knocking on ur door step without you actually noticing it. I'm trying my best not to think too much or look at different angel or have different view regarding all the bad luck or should i say obstacle that i'm facing. But....... I even think of it as another life obstacle that i'll need to hurdle through. So far i'm still able to manage through all this but not sure for how long. Here's the list of bad luck that i encounter so far:

-escalation from user
-work issue
-tyre puncture
-speeding ticket

Hopefully the list will not go any more longer and will stay this way. Haih.. wat can i do except just hope for the best and take it as is it... As my title of the blog said it all, i'm into unknown passage of life.. :/

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Another Birthday Reservation - Happy Birthday To Felice -

Yippie! It'a time again to wish another person, Happy Birthday. Guess what? Today is our Felice BIG BIG day. Just went to Genting celebrate her big big day together with Afoi and the gang. WIll blog about it later on. ;). Just reach home and would like to take this opportunity to wish her Happy Birthday again. ALso not to mention the most important wIsh. Wish you everyday and every year always win win win alot alot of money :D and all the birthday wishes will come true ;)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Reserved for the Birthday Boy -AFOI-

Specially reserved this section for birthday boy boy.. Afoi. Just want to take this opportunity to wish u a happy happy happy birthday to u.. May all ur wet wet wet and sticky dream come true ;). Find more money (don't forget to share share :P) and able to get attractive wife ;). Wait... u still haven't got gf yet.. SO i should said wish u able to get a lovely gf asap ;). Happy Birthday again :D.. DOn't noti noti edi

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

LIfe have been tough and rough

Life have been tough and rough, it is not going smoothly as i thought it will be. We will never ever able to predict the future. I totally agree with this statement "What happen today, you will never know what will happen the next day." So live each day to the fullest and enjoy it and appreaciate it as much as possible.

Any how what happen had happen. Will take it as another part of puzzle of life in growing up. Every once in ahwile u will have a big shit slap on your face or u will fall into an extremely deep hole where you will need to struggle like hell to get out of the hole or put it in another scenario is whereby you are in the middle of the sea struggling to stay alive. I guess that's life.

If you don't encounter any difficulty in life you will never grown up or appreciate it. Learn to accept and learn from it. I guess if u look back next time u will laugh back on it or maybe u will know how much u have mature?

Anyway as usual will alway look forward the next day. Hoping something great and nice to happen. -fei-

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Naik Kereta

Here come saturday again. Said wanna go badminton with afoi but turn out to be just say say onli becos of few factors. One of the factor was the hazy situation in Selangor. SOmeone say tired actually ;p

So fast forward to the afternoon. Went for movie and bowling with the gang (afoi, bento, bentos gf, princess and felice). Went to 1 U for this two occasions. Watch a quite nice(not too mention sad) japanese romance movie named "Crying Out Love, In The Center Of The World". It talk about how "two teenagers fell in love, and exchanged their secrets and thoughts by way of sending tape recordings to each other. More than a decade later, the boy (now grown-up and bittered) rediscovers the last recording of his ex-lover's voice. Her words trigger a series of flashbacks illustrating the joyful beginning and tragic end of their relationship." The movie last about 2 hours plus if not mistaken.

After movie went for a bowling session. We had fun and enjoyed ourself. I think afoi at last overcome his phobia of bowling ;P. During the bowling session. Prince join in the fun by watching. After bowling went for makan at shakey.

During makan session, decide on where to go later on. After awhile of so called discussion. At last decided to go bangsar for drink. Set the place to meet will be princess's palace (house). Princess need to go fetch her mother queen first then fetch felice. So afoi, bento and me. Went to escort prince back to her palace (house) then fetch her together to go princess's palace.

Once reach princess's palace. Waited for a while at the mamak stall near princess's palace coz princess need to pan leng leng 1st. (need to dress up). Once settle proceed to bangsar and went to a place name Castle????. So wat's a different between a castle and a palace??. Afoi, bento and me open a bottle of JD. Then proceed to go up. This is the time when we got up we had a feeling of naik kereta. It's because hmmmm.. how to decribe it?....The atmosphere there were pitch black with +91 feel. So after awhile there decided to quickly go back downstair where the atmosphere is much more nicer and better.

We play a game of hand game? (pls dun be mistaken if with hand job :P). SOrry don't know what's the actuall name of it. Need to refer to princess. She intro this game to all of us. It's play by using both hand. Then u either close both hand to become a fist or either one and another option is open ur palm facing down or either one. Then the objective of the game is set a set up style and no one must follow else will need to drink.

After few round of it. It's time to go home. On the way going back we meet up with police road block. But luckily nothing happen :D. Fetch everyone home and proceed to go back. On my way going back. Shit.. tyre pancit. Have to get down from the car and have the tyre change middle of the night. Luckily got a spare tyre in the boot oe else.... After that just straigh to home and shower. Both of my hand were pitch black like in the club place.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm 1st POINT of COntact!!! NOt 1st POint of Getting SHOOOOOOT!!!!! @#$@#$#@$#@$

The morning start off quite well. Woke up early (I'm so far soo proud of myself for able to wake up early) :). Went to work early (Here's another thing i'm proud too) :). Everything was fine, good and great. Able to find nice parking space noneed to walk very far. (Of course need to pay lar.. not free). The call queue for today have been nice. NOt too high nor too low. All the call that i received kinda smooth not until evening around 5pm something.

Here's where the day from fine, good and great become worst!!. Phone rang and saw it's a +65 number. So coincidently got back a call from a known user which had log call with me earlier on few days back. When i took this call earlier on. He like to nag like auntie about his issue. His problem was his account got disable. So after greeting the user. He start off with his trademark autie nagging. My account got problem again and again! Why the support team never do a proper job? Why does all the Ham Puk process making the user suffer? Why my system from running fine now become worst? (Shit! I have to listen to him nag again! Fine. I dun care u just nag all u like). He then said he got a voicemail from the support team to ask him to call them back. So i nicely verified the support number that he got so that he can able to call back the support team. Then he go on nagging like a auntie and complaining... with alot why and how come question.

Then reach until one part the user become frust edi when he talk about the again on why the support team never solve the issue. He said i'll need to the get to the bottom of this issue!. Please let me know now who's your manager? (Wtf, shit! got a feeling it's a escalation case. Why? Why? What did i do? I'm just the middle men lar!!!!) Faster tell me who's your manager if not i'll search on my own and call him up to complaint that you don't want to give the number. (Wtf, what did i do wrong?.. why do u want to escalate me. Fcuk u lar. Stupid user... #@$@#$@#$@$@#$@#$@$@#$). Then i told the user that i can give him the number but will need get approve permission from my suppervisor or team lead. Then the stupid user.. like wanna treathen me. If you don't give me i'll tell your manager that you are not co-operative. (Wtf!!!) Although the user beeing such an idiot i still nicely tell ask the user permission to put him on hold for awhile. So that i can get the permission to provide the user with the manager's number. He said NO! You can call me back later to tell me or i'll get the number on my own!
(Fcuk u!!!) Then ended the call. Befor he end the call i did try to offer him a chance to speak to my supervisor but no. He still want to speak to the manager.

Quickly go search for my team lead to ask for backup and prepare a bullet vest. Told him wat and explain to him wat happen. Then he report to the team manger. She quickly spring to action. The team manager ask to prepare an email detailing wat happen. So that she will able to prepare negotiate with the user and get more information on the issue. My team lead assist me to type out the letter then send to the team manager. Team manager message back through the messenger service said that i'll be keep up to date... Hmmm... i guess i'll be a like a person preparing to be bring forward to the firing squad to get shoot!!

Curse u stupid user!!! What make u think that you are soooo big!! Anway i guess i'm curse with s(tupid)user for awhile!! Need to pray hard to stay off from this kind of stupid user!

After a session of getting shoot from user! Time for my test. For the 1st time i'll be having my close book test. Went into the meeting room where the test will be held. The trainner ask me to randomly choose the folded up test paper questions. SO i just simply just one. WHen i open the questions paper. Shit! how to do? DIdn't do any revision. NO choice just try my best to answer the questions that i know. The test took about 1 hour. DIdn't do very well this time.. :/

SO by the time finish the test. IT's time for me to go back. Glad to able to log off but not too happy though after the stupid escalation and test. Then receive a call from princess. Princess ask wanna go yamcha or not. She she is fui!. TOld her okie.. will meet her downstair. Meet up with her then go yamcha at the stall below the office. Seems like princess also had a rough day whereby she also face the same issue like me.. Get shoot and escalate by stupid user!!!!. Listen to princess's frustration towards the user's escalation and her provider for creating extremely shitty sittuation for her. PItty her. I know how she feeel coz i'm facing the same issue. I sometimes wonder why all those stupid user soo free to escalate people. But i believe One day they will get their repay!!! $@#$@#$@#$@#$....

After a while decided to go off and princess ask wanna go makan dinner with afoi or not. Said ok.. then invite Felice to come along oso. Princess fetch Felice.. while i just folllow behind princess car :S.. So reach Kepong. Fetch afoi then proceed to dinner place. Went to eat porridge. Something funny happen while driving to the dinner place. At a junction near his house he told me to make a left turn. I told him yes i know and he keep on repeating few time, left turn and i told him yes.. The end result was i went opposite to wanted to make a left turn to the incoming car. Afoi jit tau blur including me ;p. Anyway luckily able to reach to dinner place safely. Ordered 3 bowl of porridge. Eat and chated and tok about the stupid user making a fuss by escalating.

Finish the poridge then went back. Before that follow Felice go tah pau food from mamak stall. Then afoi follow princess's car while felice follow my car. Fetch her back to office and i straight reach home and here am i now blogging about my day.

As always will hope for a better day :D

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wednesday LIfe

Woke up at around 6.40am (i guess) this morning.. Actually it's the same routine for me for this week since i started work in the morning. With a un willing heart went to shower and prepare to work.

Went out of the house around 7.30am. The traffic was kinda heavy. Dam sien with the early traffic jam. So it took me roughly about 40 min to reach parking lot. Phew! still consider early coz can still reach office on time to login. Although still early taking take chance to wait for the auntie to fetch to the office. I just walk to the office.

On the way walking to the office saw a very familiar kenari. It's Princess. Wave to her and proceed to walk to office. Yes.. able to login on time and best of all. early :D.. Hopefully will able to keep this up until end of the month.

After i login to my system and i notice something is missing from my cubicle. Where the heck did my headset go?. Not again! It goes missing again! No choice for the whole day i have been answering call using the handset. My arm feeling numb after a while. My neck abit numb too. Imagine that a person make "phone poridge" for few hours. For my case it's about 8 hours. Need to shift my headset from left ear then to right ear and then back to left ear again while listening to those suser talk about their stupid issues.

During lunch time seems like lunch in the afternoon it isn't a good choice. Pack with people and not too mention everytime no place to sit. Have to search high and low for a place. But so far luckily able to get place to sit.

After lunch just continue with my work. Here's another day of heavy load call.. I wonder wat happen to all the user. Why suddenly become soooo stupid. Keep on calling in. Hmmm.. Anyway successfully ended the working day. :D. But too bad can't go back early coz need to stay in the office for a while to follow up some suspend case. Stupid users. Just know how to log call but never know how to close the call. Never know how to call back to give status. Sienz.

After making some follow up for few case. It's time to go home and stuck in jam again :S. Hopefully tomorrow will be another better day.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tuesday LIfe

Last week wasn't a great working day for me. Been having a rough day for the pass week. There's something bad happen everyday. Late for work. Get shoot by s(tupid)users. Kpi gone!..

Anyway last week had pass and here come a new week. It's tusday today and yesterday was monday ;p. I'm currently working morning shift now. Yeap.. since like i'm back to having a normal life and i'll be working moring for the whole month. I guess this month no more dota :S. SLeep early and wake up early.

Been waking up early. Life for this week have been so far soo good. Cross finger to wish to have a better day each day. Although life in the office is kinda hetic with a heavy load call. LIfe still can consider beareable. Wat else can i ask for?

When time to just work and work and when time to enjoy. Just enjoylar. Currently making use of the weekend.. Whereby will go do some activity with the guys.

ALways look forward to the weekend. To relax and enjoy the mind and body :D