Guys! Thanks for a wonderfull nite :D
After a whole nite busy with work. At got time for me to enjoy :P. Start to play dota around 2am (where my shift end) until 7am. After dota session ended around 7am thought of going for yamcha with my colleague, something funny happy. As we were walking to the mamak stall below the building i just remmeber that my car is still inside the open parking lot and the parking attending going start work around this time.. I told my colleague who also park his car there... Shit! our car still in open car park. Wat the time now? (fren look at watch and pause for a while) Faster run! run!... Saw the parking attendant reach the booth edi and wanna start operating edi and put down the bar. Run Run!. Both of us run like hell then quickly start the car engine and drove out from the parking lot before the bar was lower down.
Phew that was close i told my colleague and both of us laugh and went for a yamcha session. Then went home and sleep for few hours and receive call from felice.. wei! wake up lor. Okie.. woke up for awhile then doze back to sleep for awhile coz still early :P. Then she came and pick me up around 5.30pm. Oh yes! U didn't hear me wrongly when i said someone came and pick me up instead where the usual i'll be the one fetching others.. (yau siew siew ng kuan tim ;p) Then proceed to bento place and pick him up. Kinda reach early to his place. Reach his place around 6pm then call him up and he said he was busy making phone poridge. He quickly hurried to shower and prepared. He managed to break some record. (He had already hold a title of so called having the longest 2B pencil ;p) He manage to shower and prepare within 15 min or less. Then went to siew kat place to fetch her. Meet up with others (dv, dvgf, princess and afoi) at kesas highway rest area. Proceed to teluk gong for a dinner session. Some where near teluk gong, we make a stop at the enterance of glenmaire cove to wait for bento gf and ly. After tat proceed to teluk gong for makan session. Ordered about 7 dishes (i think).. hor jian, vege, fish, prawn, fried bean curd, 2 dishes of crab and also include a special blend alcohol drink. Coconut mix with alcohol? Sorry forgotten the name edi. The taste was nice. Doesn't feel bitter but sweet. It taste like barley. But the smell was abit special. It's smell like those rotten coconut smell :P.
After that thought of going back edi. The gang gave me a big surprise. At first they brought me to a seclude area. (Walau eh! wat u all wanna do to me :~( :P ). Phew! Turn out to be pulau ketam jeti. They had prepare a boat ride. Boarded the boat and went on a boat ride. The boat bring us on a sight seeing trip along the port. Wat a nice feel to have my birthday celebration on the boat and also cutting the cake on the boat. To my surprise. Yeah! i got myvi
GUYS thanks for everything :D :). Thank for coming for the dinner and hope u guys enjoy it. I'm not very good with words. So Just wanna say thanks again and appreciate alot on what u guys had done :D. Will never forgot about this wonderful nite ;)

Enjoying the dota time :P

Here's a picture of MYVI :D

Errr.. sight seeing. Picture quality not sooo good. Took from cam phone.